Tuesday, July 27, 2010

group case break

well, another personal case break done and dusted...

which brings us back to our group case break - would love to see this filled this week so we can bust star of next week...

have decided to drop the price to get more people in

only $48 a spot, and only $45 for second, third, fourth etc teams... price includes postage and supplies and one randomly allocated nba team...

there are at least 144 hits per case so you are sure to score some nice stuff... those in the last break got extra cards and i even did a free bonus break of topps treasury... i guarantee extras for this break too!

10 spots taken now - jump in guys!

1. randy marsh 2. wayneos 3. wayneos 4. wayneos 5. jaames
6. jaames 7. thisistickets 8. wayneos 9. randy marsh 10. kero
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

box 6

last box coming up - mojo please!!

pack 1:
3star: williams udrih miller /299
4some: haywood blatche mcguire young /199
sigfab: mario chalmers

pack 2:
combo: maggette gay /35
triple patch: maggette butler foye /60 - maggette hot pack!
sig: jordan farmar (redemption)

pack 3:
combo: williams iverson /499
4some: ager douglas-roberts anderson williams /50
sig: gabe pruitt


pack 4:
combo: garnett allen /155
6star: hamilton billups wallace johnson pierce jamison /99
sig: jason smith

pack 5:
combo: johnson jordan /50
4on4: davis collins randolph jordan vs richardson tucker amundson lopez
sig: josh boone

pack 6:
combo: okur lewis /499
4some: garnett camby wallace artest /35
multimarks: olajuwon mcgrady ming smith /10 - not too shabby... i like the combo, old and new small-big combo!

williams iverson combo memmaggette gay combo memokur lewis combo memjohnson jordan combo memgarnett allen combo memwilliams udrih miller 3star memager douglas-roberts anderson williams 4some memhaywood blatch mcguire young 4some memgarnett camby wallace artest 4some memmaggette butler foye trip patch memhamilton billups wallace johnson pierce jamison 6star memdavis collins randolph jordan richardson tucker amundson lopez 4on4 mempruitt auboone ausmith auchalmers sigfab au memolajuwon mcgrady ming smith multi au

box 5

here we go with the last two boxes live style!

pack 1:
3 star: garnett carter o'neal /299
4on4: roy fernandez bayless aldridge vs williams millsap koufos okur
sig: bobby brown

pack 2:
combo: pierce anthony /499
4some: parish dantley iverson drexler /199
sigfab: carl landry

pack 3:
combo: o'neal bryant /499
3star: ellis maggette mullin /50
sig: chris mihm

pack 4:
combo: bosh marion /155
4some: carter duncan iverson kidd /125
sig: daequan cook

pack 5:
combo: o'neal ming /35
triple patch: tinsley dudley farmar 60
sig: mareese speights

pack 6:
3star: duncan robinson gervin /125
6star: rush randolph lopez speights hibbert mcgee /99
multimarks: thornton gallinari

very so so box!! i need some mojo in box 6!

bosh marioin combo auPhotobucketPhotobucketming o'neal combo memgarnett carter o'neal 3star memellis maggette mullin 3star memparker duncan gervin 3star memPhotobucketparish dantley iverson drexler 4some memcarter duncan iverson kidd 4some memrush randolph lopez speights hibbert mcgee 6star memroy fernandez bayless aldridge williams millsap koufos okur 4on4 membrown auPhotobucketmihm aucook aulandry sigfab au memthornton gallinari multi au

Monday, July 26, 2010

box 4 - dual tag!

here we go with box 4 of a personal case break

hornacek malone /155
garnett allen /499
jordan bryant /155
carter anthony /155

afflalo farmar davis /299
nash roy arenas 3star /125

okafor howard augustin wallace /125
johnson williams smith horford /125
carter duncan kidd iverson /199

james bryant wallace garnett duncan kidd /65

arenas james pierce garnett kidd mcgrady bryant o'neal /99

mbah a moute
williams (redemption)

tyrus thomas

duhon jackson

dual tag:
gooden lee /10

not the best players but a dual tag looks good nonetheless!

carter anthony combo membryant jordan combo memgarnett allen combo memharnacek malone combo memafflalo farmar davis 3star memnash roy arenas 3star memcarter duncan iverson kidd 4some memjohnson williams smith horford 4some memokafor howard augustin wallace 4some memjames bryant wallace garnett duncan kidd 6star memarenas james pierce garnett kidd mcgrady bryant o'neal 4on4 mempruitt auboone aumbah a moute authomas sigfab au memduhon jackson multi augooden lee dual tag mem